Informances are community programs designed to introduce community organizations to the Symphony Arlington by presenting a short informal performance featuring one or two the Symphony Arlington musicians.
If your community group is interested in making use of this initiative please contact the symphony business office. You can also hire a professional customized ensemble or soloist for special events like corporate events, weddings, funerals, etc.
Informances for Retirement Communities
SA provides free educational and interactive concerts to the local health-care community through our Informances program. SA musicians accompany a staff member to various assisted-living facilities, retirement communities, and hospitals with the goal of bringing classical music to those who may otherwise be unable to attend symphony concerts. Participants experience a live music performance featuring both classical and popular music selections.
Additionally, participants have the opportunity to interact with musicians through educational program notes and dialogue about classical music, composers, repertoire, and life as a classical musician today.
Lifetime Education Programs
Each year the community and education programs of the Symphony Arlington reach over 10,000 community members from various walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds. Symphony Arlington is very proud of its numerous programs dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our community.